Johor Green Bio Policy Awareness

In November 2016, Johor embarked on an ambitious mission to raise awareness about its groundbreaking “Green Bio Policy.” The state government launched a month-long campaign to educate businesses, industries, and the public about the policy’s significance and its potential to transform the region’s economy into a greener and more sustainable one. The campaign included workshops, seminars, and public forums to explain the policy’s objectives, incentives, and benefits for adopting green practices and renewable resources. Johor also collaborated with media outlets to spread the message far and wide, reaching businesses of all sizes and individuals across the state. As the awareness campaign gained momentum, more companies embraced green technologies and sustainable practices, creating a positive ripple effect throughout the region’s economy. By the end of October, the “Johor Green Bio Policy Awareness” campaign had laid a strong foundation for a more environmentally conscious and economically resilient future for Johor.