Johor Green Policy Annoucment

In November 2017, Johor made a groundbreaking announcement as the state government unveiled its comprehensive “Green Policy.” The policy encompassed a wide range of initiatives aimed at promoting environmental conservation and sustainability across all sectors. The announcement outlined ambitious targets for renewable energy adoption, waste reduction, and biodiversity preservation. The “Green Policy” also included measures to promote sustainable agriculture, eco-tourism, and green transportation. Johor actively engaged with local communities, businesses, and environmental organizations to ensure the successful implementation of the policy. The announcement received widespread support from residents and stakeholders, who saw it as a bold step towards creating a greener and more sustainable future for the state. By the end of November, Johor’s “Green Policy” had set a precedent for other states in Malaysia to follow, emphasizing the significance of proactive environmental policies and collective efforts in safeguarding the natural beauty and resources of the region.