Langakwi Green Program
In June 2016, the enchanting island of Langkawi embarked on a transformative journey known as the “Langkawi Green Program.” Recognizing the significance of preserving its pristine environment and rich biodiversity, the island’s authorities and local communities came together to champion sustainable practices and eco-tourism initiatives. The program involved beach clean-ups, mangrove conservation efforts, and the promotion of responsible tourism practices. Local businesses also embraced eco-friendly measures, such as reducing single-use plastics and implementing energy-saving initiatives. As the “Langkawi Green Program” gained momentum, it garnered international attention and accolades, further bolstering the island’s reputation as a leading eco-tourism destination. By the end of June, Langkawi had blossomed into a model of environmental stewardship, inspiring travelers and communities around the world to embrace sustainable practices and cherish the natural wonders of our planet.